Our Story

**Recently Updated on 2/7/15**
Click here to see a timeline of our one-of-a-kind adoption story (still in progress)!

Collier Family Adoption Update

Collier Family Adoption Update:


Post-It Note Fundraiser

See the numbers?  

Make them disappear!  

Here's how you do that:  

  1. Send a message to me, BECKY COLLIER, via email, facebook, or text.  The message needs to say:  HELLO!  THIS IS ___________________________!  I would like to reserve post-it #____! 
  2. Make sure I reply.  
  3. You can either DONATE or RAISE in dollar form the number on your post-it note!  
  4. When you have all your money collected...
                     A.  Donate to our Reece's Rainbow FSP following this link:                                    

                     B.  Send a Check to Reece's Rainbow.  
                                                           Reece’s Rainbow
                                                            PO Box 4024
                                                Gaithersburg, MD 20885
                                    **Make sure to include a note that says Collier family FSP**
                            C.  Send a check to Marc and Becky Collier.  
                                    **This would not be tax deductible.**

       5.  No matter how you give, make sure to let me know that you gave!  You'll see why in a 

When you reserve your number, you will see it disappear from the post-it wall.   When the numbers are all gone, we will make them "reappear" on a new wall (this is why we want you to tell us when you give!), and when we have the entire wall re-filled, we will have raised $10,303.00!  AMAZING!!!!!!!!

Luke 6:38   Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”

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